
S&S Health gives you control over and deep insights into the amount of healthcare you fund while eliminating insurance company profits. You see exactly how your healthcare dollars are spent, plus we provide the tools and strategies to collaborate with your employees to ensure the healthcare outcomes.

Be the Boss with the Benefits - not the Bandaid*

When your budget’s bleeding, a bandaid won’t help. You need real change – and we have it.

*(do keep a first aid kit in your office, though)

Optical Illusions Don’t Belong in Benefits

Never fear. Options are here (real ones this time).

“Take control of your costs!” they said. But were you ever really in control? Now you are.You control the amount you fund.

- You see what you’re paying for.
- You choose your benefit options.
- You inform your plan’s outcomes.
- You own your data.

Get X-Ray Vision

See every detail of your plan’s costs, with a clear picture of every unit of care. Never dread mysterious group-rated increases again.

Make Middlemen Disappear

Our direct approach cuts out the commercial middleman markup for real savings not cost-shifting.

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